Wednesday, July 6, 2011

70 Mile Bike Trip for WSDP

This morning I made a 70 mile bike ride to the nearest town with internet access to express my support of WSDP. I can honestly say that the trip I made this morning, or the trip I made last year to Zambia as a United States Peace Corps Volunteer, would not have happened without the time and experience I had as a student at WSDP. My experience at WSDP, and how it has served me, is similar to many other students who had the opportunity to work at the station. Alumni that leave the station do not necessarily go on to have careers in radio broadcasting, in fact, I would say that only a small percentage do. But, the skills that are fostered and nurtured at the station are one's that serve all of its students wherever they go and whatever they do in this world. To me, the stations greatest gift to the students is the opportunity to create and collaborate. When talking about the future for our state, and what our students need to be successful, I hear both of these qualities mentioned from politicians from both sides of the aisle.

For the past eight months I have been working as a Public Health Volunteer in rural Zambia. I face daily challenges to educate my villagers on subjects of malaria, HIV/AIDS, child health, and food security. As with most rewarding jobs, it's challenging. But, what makes this job challenging and not impossible are skills I obtained from my education from the Plymouth-Canton Community Schools, and largely, WSDP. The most rewarding part of my service has been working with members of my village. To work and learn in conjunction with them in attempts to improve the public health of our area is a profound experience. The opportunity to
work and learn from people that are different than me is not a new experience, though. This I learned at WSDP.

Thank you for the opportunity for allowing me to share my thoughts. My time at WSDP allowed me to see how thoughtful and passionate our district’s school board is in providing our area the best public education possible. No matter the outcome of the 2011/2012 budget, I will
be confident that the decisions were made for best way to safeguard our community’s strong public education foundation.


Scott G. Decker

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